Inclusive Resources
We recommend these resources for creating and maintaining safe, supportive and inclusive
learning environments for all students.
learning environments for all students.
Managing Trauma – A Guide to Managing Trauma Following an Incident
A resource from the Victorian Department of Education and Training which supports principals, Student Support Services (SSS) and other recovery team members to take action to manage trauma for students , staff and school community members following an incident. Source: Department of Education Trauma Sensitive Behaviour Management A resource from Emerging Minds with 10 tips for creating a trauma sensitive classroom. Source: Emerging Minds The Australian Child and Adolescent Trauma, Loss and Grief Network (ACATLGN) The Schools and Trauma hub of ACATLGN, includes resources that have been brought together by experts in this field to support schools and staff in working with children experiencing grief, loss and trauma. We have included organisations that are primarily child and adolescent-focused or focused on school mental health. Source:Australian National University Indigenous Trauma Information and Resources A collection of helpful, and evidence based resources that focus on enhancing strengths, to help Indigenous children and their families get through tough times. Source: Trauma and Grief Network Literature Review - A Trauma Sensitive Approach for Children Aged 0-8 Years Description: This literature review focuses on the impact of trauma and concepts from neurobiology. It is written for early childhood educators who encounter infants and children, from newborns to 8 year-olds, who have suffered the effects of significant trauma in their young lives. Source: Trauma and young children - a caring approach project, Women’s Health Goulburn North East Refugees and Asylum Seekers: Supporting Recovery From Trauma Information to help support refugees and asylum seekers with trauma recovery and the challenges of settling into a new community. Source: Trauma and Grief Network TRUST in Schools Resources to increase your understanding of how your school can promote trauma sensitive practices. Source: Australian Child & Adolescent Trauma, Loss and Grief Network Good Teaching – Trauma Informed Practice This resource focuses on how educators can better relate to, and support the wellbeing and learning of children who have been impacted by trauma. It provides guidance on how to better understand why traumatised children and young people act and react in the ways they do. Source: Tasmanian Department for Education, Children and Young People Integrating a Trauma-Informed Approach within a PBIS (SWPBS) Framework This resource provides information on how schools can incorporate trauma-informed practices within a Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) framework (more commonly referred to as SWPBS in Victoria). Source: Center on PBIS (Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports) |
Calmer Classrooms
Help for kindergarten, primary and secondary teachers, and other school personnel to understand and work with children and young people affected by trauma. Source: Child Safety Commissioner (Vic State Gov) What Survival Looks Like in School Free download for teacher or trusted adult at school to help them understand what survival states look like in the school environment and what they can do to help ground them and subsequently improve their learning. Source: Inner World Work Making Space for Learning A guide to understanding trauma in children and young people and responding to it within a school context. It offers opportunities to build practical strategies to support them. Source: Australian Childhood Foundation Caring Classrooms A guide to understanding traumatised children and young people for parents and the school community. Source: Child Safety Commissioner (Vic State Gov, 2010) |
Australian Childhood Foundation - Training & courses
The Australian Childhood Foundation (ACF) provide training opportunities focusing on understanding and applying the principles relevant to trauma responsive practice for children and young people affected by abuse, violence and neglect. Source: Australian Childhood Foundation |
Attachment and Trauma Theory Blended Learning course
An online learning course which focuses on the understanding, assessment and classroom support of students with disrupted attachment and trauma experiences. Source: YarraMeSchool |
Children’s Attachment Theory and how to use it
This short video explains attachment theory and how it can be utilised to better understand and work with children with insecure attachment styles. Source: Shalamar Children on YouTube |
LOOKOUT Education Support Centres
LOOKOUT Centres are designed to boost the capacity of schools, Child Protection Practitioners and out-of-home care services to improve educational outcomes for children and young people living in out-of-home care. Source: Department of Education Student Support Group Guidelines Valuable guidelines and template resources, outlining the membership, key objectives and roles of a Student Support Group. Source: Department of Education IEP Guidelines Schools must develop an Individual Education Plan (IEP) for every student in Out-of-Home Care. This plan should be developed by the Student Support Group. These DE guidelines include IEP templates and information regarding their requirements. Source: Department of Education ENA Guidance Guidance for school leaders, teachers, Student Support Services, case managers and Student Support Groups about requesting and conducting an educational needs assessment for a child or young person in out-of-home care enrolled at a Victorian government school. Source: Department of Education Out of Home Care Resources An extensive collection of DE endorsed resources to assist in giving children and young people in out-of-home care, a better chance of doing well in their education. The resources include: Guidelines on the role of learning mentors and links to training, Resources for 'Designated Teachers', and LOOKOUT fact sheets, templates and checklists. Source: Department of Education |
Partnering Agreement
Covers the current legislation, policy and programs available to children and young people in out-of-home care to support their education, health and wellbeing. All schools, child protection practitioners and case workers are required to meet their obligations under this Partnering Agreement. Source: Department of Education Great Expectations While ‘Calmer Classrooms’ examines the general impact of trauma and attachment disruption experiences on children, this resource addresses the educational needs of children and young people who live in out-of-home care. Source: Child Safety Commissioner (Vic State Gov, 2007) |
Establishing student support groups
Student Support Group (SSG) Guidelines
A valuable resource outlining the membership, key objectives and roles of an SSG. Source: Department of Education The Team Around the Learner (TAL) A framework for an individualised, holistic and team-based approach to support learners at risk of disengaging or who have disengaged from education and learning. Key people work together as a team, coordinate a plan to meet the needs of the learner and to support them to continue to engage in or re-engage in education and learning. Source: Department of Education |
Supports and community-based services for students and their families
A referral to Child FIRST is the best way of connecting children, young people and their families to the services they need. School staff should make a referral to Child FIRST where school staff have concerns about a child’s wellbeing but do not believe the child needs protection. Source: Department of Families, Fairness and Housing Royal Children's Hospital Mental Health Service RCH Mental Health is a service you can turn to when there are serious concerns about an infant’s, child’s or adolescent’s mental health and wellbeing. Source: The Royal Children's Hospital, Melbourne Raising Children Network A national website aimed at helping families care for their children, providing expert information and articles on a range of issues relevant to children’s development. Source: Raising Children Network Better Health Channel The Better Health Channel provides health and medical information online. It is a Victorian government initiative that provides reliable and easy to understand information. Source: Better Health Channel Family Mental Health Support Service Early intervention support to assist vulnerable families with children and young people who are at risk of, or affected by, mental illness. These services support parents to reduce stress and enable young people to reach their potential. Source: Department of Social Services Kids First Kids First (formerly Children’s Protection Society) provides a range of services to children, young people and families. They deal with complex issues like sexual abuse and neglect , family violence, homelessness, poverty, mental health, drug and alcohol issues and the trauma that these have on the lives of children and families. Source: Kids First Austin Health - Child and Youth Mental Health Service (CYMHS) CYMHS care for and treat children, young people and their families while they are experiencing psychiatric, psychological and behavioural problems, including Inpatient and Community services. Source: Austin Health The Bouverie Centre With funding from the Victorian Department of Health the Bouverie Centre engages in research of, translation and implementation of family-sensitive, trauma informed models of practice with the ultimate goal of improving the lives of individuals and families experiencing mental health (MH) and substance use issues. Source: The Bouverie Centre (Victoria's Family Institute) Australian Clinical Psychology Association Use the ACPA ‘Find a Clinical Psychologist’ website to locate a qualified psychologist in the required area or seek a referral from a paediatrician or GP. Source: ACPA Australian Psychological Society Use the APS ‘Find a Psychologist’ website to locate a qualified psychologist in the required area or seek a referral from a paediatrician or GP. Source: APS Headspace Information and services for 12-25 year olds, their families and friends as well as health professionals can be accessed through the website, Headspace centres and the online counselling service - e-headspace. Source: Headspace Kids Helpline Phone, internet and web-based counselling, information and support for young people. Source: Kids Helpline Youth Beyond Blue Information, advice and support for young people suffering anxiety, depression and related issues. Source: Beyond Blue Victoria Legal Aid Information, advice and support with legal matters. Source: Victorian legal aid Ask Izzy Ask Izzy helps people who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless to find the services they need, right now and nearby. It’s Australia wide, free and anonymous and can help with finding housing, meals, health services, counselling, legal help, addiction help and more. Source: Ask Izzy State Schools Relief Fund If you have a family who is struggling to meet the costs of school uniforms, shoes, books and stationery for their children, you may be able to receive these for free or at a discount through State Schools’ Relief. Applications must be made by the school. Source: SSR |
Developing an Individual Education Plan
IEP Guidelines
An Individual Education Plan (IEP) is a written statement that describes the adjustments, goals and strategies to meet a student’s individual educational needs, and is essential element in planning and monitoring a student’s unique learning needs. The Department of Education’s Policy, Guidance and Resources pages outline who IEPs should be developed for, by whom and provide templates and other supportive resources. Source: Department of Education Inclusive Classrooms Course: Individual Education Planning Professional Learning Several IEP webinar options enables you to consolidate your knowledge about the key elements of effective individual education planning. Source: Department of Education |
Developing a Behaviour Support Plan
Department of Education - Behaviour Support Plans (BSPs)
Information, guidelines and resources for developing Behaviour Support Plans. Source: Department of Education Functional behaviour assessment - information and tools A functional behaviour assessment (FBA) can provide information on where, when and why a behaviour of concern happens (the ‘function’ of the behaviour). DE provides templates and worked examples of behaviour gathering information tools - ABC record and Scatterplots. The information can then be used to inform a behaviour support plan. Source: Department of Education |
Stages of Behaviour Escalation
Table from Colvin and Sugai (1989) outlining the stages of the behaviour escalation cycle, the area of focus and intervention tips for each stage. Source: Colvin and Sugai (1989) |
Managing challenging behaviour
DE Guidance - Responding to Challenging Behaviour
Includes information and strategies for addressing behaviour concerns or if a student has a chronic pattern of challenging behaviour. Also includes links to online courses. Source: Department of Education DE Restraint and Seclusion (Policy, Guidance and Resources) Guidelines and resources regarding the reduction and elimination of restraint and seclusion. Source: Department of Education DE Managing and Reporting School Incidents (including emergencies) Policy, Guidance and Resources to manage and respond to incidents that impact students and/or school operations. Source: Department of Education |
Responding to sexual behaviours of concern
Student Sexual Offending and Problem Sexual Behaviour Policy and Guidance
DET Student Sexual Offending and Problem Sexual Behaviour Policy and Guidance’ Information for schools about responding to allegations of student sexual assault or inappropriate sexualised behaviour in children under 10, or misuse of internet or mobile phones in relation to child pornography and youth produced sexual imagery or “sexting.” Source: Department of Education and Training Kids First Therapeutic Services The Sexual Abuse Counselling and Prevention Program provides a specialist therapeutic counselling service to children and young people who are victims of sexual abuse and/or engaged in problematic or harmful sexualised behaviour. Source: Kids first Australia Gatehouse Centre A department of the Royal Children’s Hospital, this Centre Against Sexual Assault (CASA) provides assessment, treatment and advocacy services for children, young people (aged between 0-17) and their families, living in the North Western metropolitan area of Melbourne or the cities of Moreland and Hume, where sexual abuse is suspected or sexually behaviours problems are a concern. Source: The Royal Children’s Hospital Melbourne |
Supporting student attendance
DE - Attendance resources (Policy, Guidance & Resources)
DE templates, plans and guidelines for supporting attendance. Source: Department of Education |
Supporting student engagement
DE General Resources on Student Engagement
DE information on engagement strategies and supports. Source: Department of Education Navigator Program The Navigator program supports disengaged young people to return to education and learning. Source: Department of Education School Focused Youth Service A service to help schools and community organisations support at risk young people (aged 10-18) who require prevention or early intervention strategies to assist their learning, development, health and wellbeing. Source: Department of Education |
Koorie Heritage Trust Building Aboriginal Cultural Competency program
The Koorie Heritage Trust provide Aboriginal Cultural Competency/Indigenous Cultural Awareness Training programs and can tailor a program that suits requirements. Source: Koorie Heritage Trust DE Koorie Education Coordinator
Schools, parents and community can obtain assistance with Koorie cultural inclusion, Koorie education guidance and support through their region by contacting the Koorie Education Coordinators (KEC) at DET regional offices Source: Department of Education Victorian Aboriginal Education Association Inc Resources for Schools and Families
VAEAI resource list for schools and families including the Koorie Education calendar. Source: Victorian Aboriginal Education Association Tuckerbag Classroom Resources Database
A resource that can be used by educators in Early Childhood, schools, and higher education to integrate Indigenous perspectives in the classroom. Source: Victorian Aboriginal Education Association AITSL Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education Resources
Valuable Initial Teacher Education resources for improving Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander education, both in policy and practice. Source: AITSL |
Marrung Aboriginal Education Plan 2016-2026
This plan demonstrates the Victorian Government’s strong commitment to improving performance and success of Koorie learners and closing the gap in Koorie education outcomes where these exist. Marrung will leverage the Education State reform agenda across early childhood, schools and vocational education and training. It will build culturally responsive and inclusive services and provide for targeted Koorie initiatives, including initiatives to support learners with additional needs to meet educational benchmarks. Source: Victoria State Government |
School-Wide Positive Behaviour Support (SWPBS) An evidence-based framework for preventing and responding to student behaviour. It aims to create a positive school climate, a culture of student competence and an open, responsive management system for all school community members. Source: Department of Education Be You A mental health and wellbeing framework for primary schools and early childhood education and care services. Source: Be You Kids Helpline @ School An early intervention and prevention model for all primary school aged students around Australia. The program allows primary schools to invite Kids Helpline counsellors into their classroom via video link or phone. Sessions are facilitated by a tertiary qualified Kids Helpline counsellor, and aim to improve mental health literacy, promote resilience and encourage help seeking behaviours. Source: Kids Helpline DE Support and Resources for Specific Groups of Students The following information outlines resources, strategies and supports for specific groups of students who have additional needs, or who may face barriers to engaging with school. Source: Department of Education Andrew Fuller's Website Clinical psychologist Andrew Fuller works with many schools and communities in Australia and internationally. His website includes resources on resilience, psychology and brains and learning for students, schools, parents and professionals. Source: Andrew Fuller Child Protection and Child Safe Standards (PROTECT) Information and advice on how to protect children, create a child safe environment, identify and report signs of abuse. Source: Department of Education Child FIRST & Orange Door Some families need family services support when they are experiencing difficulties that impact on their parenting and family life. Child FIRST is a community-based point of entry for children, young people and families needing support. The Orange Door is a free service for adults, children and young people who are experiencing or have experienced family violence and families who need extra support with the care of children. Source: Department of Families, Fairness and Housing eSafety Classroom Resources A range of resources designed to help schools and other educators teach online safety lessons (Early years, primary and secondary) Source: eSafety Commissioner Mental Health and wellbeing toolkit The resources promote and support student mental health and wellbeing and include ‘toolkit’ of resources to under the categories of ‘Schools’, ‘Parents and carers’, and ‘Students’. Source: Victorian Government and Department of Education Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships Learning Materials Learning materials designed for teachers in primary and secondary schools to develop students’ social, emotional and positive relationship skills. The materials cover eight topics of Social and Emotional Learning across all levels of primary and secondary education: Emotional Literacy; Personal Strengths; Positive Coping; Problem Solving; Stress Management; Help Seeking; Gender and Identity; and Positive Gender Relationships. Source: Department of Education |
Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships Online Learning Course
This course aims to develop your expertise and practice in promoting social and emotional wellbeing and learning. The course has an explicit focus on the use of the Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships teaching and learning materials, which are designed to enhance the personal and social capabilities of students. Source: Department of Education |
Speech Pathology Australia
Information about finding, choosing, and accessing speech pathology services, and fact sheets on topics such as Communication Impairment, Speech Pathology, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Literacy, and Speech Pathology and Indigenous Children. Source: Speech Pathology Australia Five From Five The FIVE from FIVE project was developed with the objective of promoting effective, evidence-based reading instruction, by providing free resources to teachers, principals and parents. The website has a wide range of information on phonological awareness, reading instruction and reading comprehension. Source: Multilit |
Program for Students with Disabilities
DE guidelines and links on the Program for Students with Disabilities which provides additional support within the Student Resource Package for eligible students with disabilities in regular and special schools. Source: Department of Education DE Disability Inclusion Profile The Disability Inclusion Profile and surrounding process is designed to help schools and families identify the strengths, needs, and educational adjustments schools can make for individual students. Information of ‘policy, guidance and resources’ is provided. Source: Department of Education DE - Understanding Autism A range of factsheets for educational professionals covering the characteristics and common behaviours of children and young people on the autism spectrum and related strategies and interventions that can be used as starting points for educational professionals. Source: Department of Education DE - ASD Support Materials These resources provide a starting point as part of a broader approach that early childhood and school settings will take to meet the needs of children and young people on the autism spectrum. Source: Department of Education InclusionED inclusionED is the online professional learning community, co-designed with educators, for educators. It provides free evidence-based and research-informed teaching practices and tools to support diverse learners in inclusive classrooms. Source: InclusionED Positive Partnerships The website provides current, relevant and evidence informed information to parents, carers and educators of school-aged children on the autism spectrum through workshops and online resources. Source: Positive Partnerships Association for Children with a Disability ACD advocates for children with disability in a number of ways. They provide a ‘Support Line’, run workshops and publish information resources including several under the ‘School’ tab for parents and carers to support their child’s education. Source: Association for Children with a Disability NOFASD (National Organistation Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder) The mission of this charity is to be an effective voice for individuals and families living with FASD, while supporting initiatives across Australia to promote prevention, diagnosis, intervention and management. Source: NOFASD Australia Russell Family Fetal Alcohol Disorders Association (rffada) A not-for-profit health promotion charity dedicated to ensuring that individuals affected prenatally by alcohol have access to diagnostic services, support and multidisciplinary management planning in Australia and that carers and parents are supported with a “no blame no shame” ethos. The mission is to support families, to provide information, training and education to increase the capacity of communities, organisations and individuals to support those people living with FASD to live to their full potential. Source: Russell Family Fetal Alcohol Disorders Association |
ABLES Online Professional Learning Program
A free online course suitable for teachers and educational support staff. The course comprises five one-hour modules, each focusing on a specific element of the ABLES suite of resources. Source: ABLES Professional Learning portal Disability Standards eLearning Modules This course is designed to help you uphold your legal obligations under the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (DDA) and the Disability Standards for Education 2005 (the Standards). These obligations focus on providing fair access to education for students with disability. The course may also assist classroom teachers with leadership roles in areas of curriculum. Source: Australian Government Department of Education Inclusive Classrooms Professional Learning Programs The Inclusive Classrooms professional learning program offers courses to build the capacity of the education workforce to implement inclusive practice and support students with diverse learning needs. It provides learning in the areas of supporting students with Autism, Supporting Students with Learning Difficulties including Dyslexia and Supporting Students with Oral Language and Learning. Source: Department of Education |
Support for refugee students
DET guidelines, resources and links for supporting students from refugee backgrounds. Source: Department of Education Foundation House Schools Support Program The ‘School’s In for Refugees’ website is a Foundation House resource designed for busy school staff and supported by the Victorian Department of Education and Training. Foundation House also provides professional learning programs full of tips, links, resources, and good practice examples addressing primary and secondary school settings. Source: Foundation House School Support Program Centre for Multicultural Youth A Victorian not-for-profit organisation supporting young people from migrant and refugee backgrounds to build better lives in Australia. CMY provides training and professional development packages for individuals, practitioners and organisations to build cultural responsiveness and address Victoria’s increasingly diverse population. Source: CMY |
DE EAL Guidelines and Resources
DET guidelines, resources and links to support students, schools, teachers, program planning, assessment and reporting in the area of EAL in Victorian government schools. Source: Department of Education Accessing Interpreting and Translating services DE guidelines, information and access to accredited interpreters to support communication with students and families from language backgrounds other than English. Source: Department of Education |
DE Safe Schools Program
The Safe Schools program helps schools foster a safe environment that is supportive and inclusive of LGBTIQ+ students. Source: Department of Education DE Sexuality Resources The site provides information for teachers relating to the curriculum, assessment and the whole-school learning approach to sexuality education. Source: Department of Education DE LGBTIQ Student Support (Policy and Resources) The purpose of the policy is to ensure schools support Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and gender diverse, Intersex, and Queer and questioning (LGBTIQ) students. The 'Resources' tab can be found on the Policy page. Source: Department of Education Trans Gender Victoria Education and resources to support the trans and gender diverse community. Source: Trans Gender Victoria Minus18 Minus 18 is Australia’s national organisation for LGBTIQ youth. Their website provides access to resources, advice and events. Source: Minus18 Transcend Transcend is an information hub for parents and families of transgender children. Source: Transcend |
You're Not Alone
This booklet produced by the WA AIDS Council’s Freedom Centre provides information for LGBTIQ and questioning young people. Source: Freedom Centre Families Like Mine This guide for parents and families of young people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, gender diverse or who are questioning their sexuality or gender identity is located under the "Young people" tab. Source: Beyond Blue OMG I'm Trans OMG I’m Trans is a Minus18 publication containing stories, advice, support and resources for transgender young people. This page also provides access to order other publications from Minus 18 such as OMG I’m Queer and OMG My Friend is Queer. Source: Minus18 |
Respectful Relationships
The Respectful Relationships program supports schools and early childhood settings to promote and model respect, positive attitudes and behaviours. It teaches our children how to build healthy relationships, resilience and confidence. Source: Department of Education DE Bullying Prevention and Response (Policy and Resources)
These webpages focus on supporting schools to create safe and respectful school climates and address all forms of bullying, including cyberbullying. Source: Department of Education Bully Stoppers
Bully Stoppers is the Department's online resource dedicated to bullying prevention. Developed by a range of experts, it provides advice for teachers, parents and students on how to identify, respond to and prevent bullying in their school community. Source: Department of Education Bullying. No Way!
These teacher resources help school leaders and teachers create and sustain safe and supportive school communities. Source: BNW Racism. No Way!
The Racism. No way! project aims to assist school communities and education systems to recognise and address racism in the learning environment. Source: RNW |
Mental Heath and Wellbeing resources for DE Employees
Department of Education resources and services including links to EAP (Employee Assistance Program) Source: Department of Education REACHOUT - Tips for Teacher Wellbeing Recognising the importance for teachers to take the time to prioritise their own mental health and wellbeing, for their benefit and that of the whole school community, REACHOUT provides a range of resources. Source: REACHOUT Staff Wellbeing Information and resources to reduce and manage stress levels. Source: BeYou |
Self-Care for Educators
A fact sheet from the National Child Traumatic Stress Network on managing compassion fatigue and secondary traumatic stress. Source: National Child Traumatic Stress Network Teacher Self Care Tip Sheet This resource provides tips for managing compassion fatigue, secondary traumatic stress and presents helpful online resources. Source: Australian Child & Adolescent trauma, loss and grief network |
Supporting students with attachment difficulties
Inside I’m Hurting: Practical Strategies for Supporting Children with Attachment Difficulties in Schools - by Louise Bombèr
Inside I'm Hurting provides educational professionals with classroom strategies, practical tools and the confidence to support children from an attachment perspective, thus promoting inclusion in the school system.
What about Me?: Inclusive Strategies to Support Pupils with Attachment Difficulties Make It Through the School Day - by Louise Bombèr
What would a genuinely supportive school day look like in practice, for children who have experienced attachment difficulties and developmental vulnerability? What are the core features of an attachment-friendly school? How can we promote inclusion and positively affect learning outcomes among pupils in need, at risk, in care and adopted? Loiuse Bombèr, teacher, therapist, trainer and author, draws on her extensive experience in working with these children and young people to answer some of these questions.
Attachment in the Classroom: the links between children's early experience, emotional wellbeing and performance in school - by Heather Geddes
Every day, teachers and other school staff deal with children who present challenging behaviour during their learning process at school. This book combines the fundamental principles of attachment theory with teacher-based examples, and practical 'how-to' interventions.
Inside I'm Hurting provides educational professionals with classroom strategies, practical tools and the confidence to support children from an attachment perspective, thus promoting inclusion in the school system.
What about Me?: Inclusive Strategies to Support Pupils with Attachment Difficulties Make It Through the School Day - by Louise Bombèr
What would a genuinely supportive school day look like in practice, for children who have experienced attachment difficulties and developmental vulnerability? What are the core features of an attachment-friendly school? How can we promote inclusion and positively affect learning outcomes among pupils in need, at risk, in care and adopted? Loiuse Bombèr, teacher, therapist, trainer and author, draws on her extensive experience in working with these children and young people to answer some of these questions.
Attachment in the Classroom: the links between children's early experience, emotional wellbeing and performance in school - by Heather Geddes
Every day, teachers and other school staff deal with children who present challenging behaviour during their learning process at school. This book combines the fundamental principles of attachment theory with teacher-based examples, and practical 'how-to' interventions.
Trauma and the Brain
Traumatic Experience and the Brain - by Dave Ziegler
This book details the effect of trauma on the developing brain, describing how it actually rewires one's perceptions of self, others, and the world.
The Boy Who Was Raised As a Dog - by Bruce Perry and Maia Szalavitz
Child psychiatrist Bruce Perry has treated children faced with unimaginable horror: genocide survivors, witnesses, children raised in closets and cages, and victims of family violence. Here he tells their stories of trauma and transformation.
Distressed or Deliberately Defiant - by Dr Judith Howard
It’s not unusual for educators today, whether in the early childhood, primary or secondary sectors, to be confronted with severely challenging student behaviour. Such behaviour has considerable impact on the delivery of teaching and learning programs, the emotional wellbeing of the teachers themselves and raises safety risks for the entire school community. This book explains the basis for such behaviour as the neurological, physiological and behavioural outcomes of "disorganised attachment" due to prolonged exposure to a traumatic home life and provides practical advice to educators on ways that schools can effectively manage these students.
This book details the effect of trauma on the developing brain, describing how it actually rewires one's perceptions of self, others, and the world.
The Boy Who Was Raised As a Dog - by Bruce Perry and Maia Szalavitz
Child psychiatrist Bruce Perry has treated children faced with unimaginable horror: genocide survivors, witnesses, children raised in closets and cages, and victims of family violence. Here he tells their stories of trauma and transformation.
Distressed or Deliberately Defiant - by Dr Judith Howard
It’s not unusual for educators today, whether in the early childhood, primary or secondary sectors, to be confronted with severely challenging student behaviour. Such behaviour has considerable impact on the delivery of teaching and learning programs, the emotional wellbeing of the teachers themselves and raises safety risks for the entire school community. This book explains the basis for such behaviour as the neurological, physiological and behavioural outcomes of "disorganised attachment" due to prolonged exposure to a traumatic home life and provides practical advice to educators on ways that schools can effectively manage these students.
Behaviour Support
Prevent –Teach- Reinforce by Glen Dunlap et al.
This is a practical guide to the research-proven Prevent-Teach-Reinforce (PTR) model. Developed by some of the most respected authorities on positive behaviour support, this innovative model gives school-based teams a five-step plan for reducing problems unresolved by typical behaviour management strategies.
This is a practical guide to the research-proven Prevent-Teach-Reinforce (PTR) model. Developed by some of the most respected authorities on positive behaviour support, this innovative model gives school-based teams a five-step plan for reducing problems unresolved by typical behaviour management strategies.