Inclusive Resources
We recommend these resources for creating and maintaining safe, supportive and inclusive
learning environments for all students.
learning environments for all students.
Classrooms Help for kindergarten, primary and secondary teachers, and other school personnel to understand and work with children and young people affected by trauma.
Helping Traumatised
Children Learn A report and policy agenda for creating supportive school environments for children traumatised by family violence.
Making Space
for Learning A guide to understanding trauma in children and young people and responding to it within a school context. It offers opportunities to build practical strategies to support them.
online training A free online learning course
that focuses on supporting children and young people in a range of educational and other settings. |
Trauma Sensitive Practice
(North West Victoria Region) Resources to help build a theoretical understanding of trauma sensitive practice, develop a shared understanding and literacy, and assist workforces to support vulnerable learners and families. There are also resources available to support teacher self-care and wellbeing. DET credentials are required to login and access the materials.
Classrooms A guide to understanding traumatised children and young people
for parents and the school community. |
The Australian Child and Adolescent Trauma, Loss and Grief Network (ACATLGN)
An online course created by the NCTSN, which helps people develop a trauma lens through which they can view, and better comprehend the effects of traumatic experiences and losses.
Trauma Information and Resources A collection of helpful, and evidence based resources that focus on
enhancing strengths, to help Indigenous children and their families get through tough times.
Refugees and Asylum Seekers: Supporting Recovery
From Trauma Information to help support refugees and asylum seekers with trauma recovery and the challenges of settling
into a new community. |
Be You -
growing a mentally healthy generation Led by Beyond Blue, this initiative offers a collection of knowledge, resources and strategies for helping children and young people achieve their best possible mental health.
Professional Articles
by Dr. Bruce Perry Bruce D. Perry, M.D., Ph.D. is an internationally recognised authority on children in crisis and the Senior Fellow of Houston’s Child Trauma Academy. Resources include: professional articles on trauma, attachment, the brain and learning, core strengths, the developing child and children in distress.
National Child Traumatic Stress Network Learning Centre
An online course created by the NCTSN, which helps people develop a trauma lens through which they can view, and better comprehend the effects of traumatic experiences and losses.
Stepping up for Kids
This resource booklet provides information on understanding and supporting children who have experienced family and domestic violence.
Understanding Attachment and
Trauma Blended Learning An online learning course which focuses on the understanding, assessment and classroom support of students with disrupted attachment and trauma experiences
Children’s Attachment Theory
and how to use it This short video explains attachment theory and how it can be utilised to better understand and work with children with insecure attachment styles.
Supporting students living in out of home care
Agreement Covers the current legislation, policy and programs available to children and young people in out-of-home care to support their education, health and wellbeing.
All schools, child protection practitioners and case workers are required to meet their obligations under this Partnering Agreement. |
Education Support Centres LOOKOUT Centres are designed to boost the capacity of schools, Child Protection Practitioners and out-of-home care services to improve educational outcomes for children and young people living in out-of-home care.
Out of Home Care
Resources A collection of DET endorsed resources to assist in giving children and young people in out-of-home care, a better chance of doing well in their education.
Student Support Group
Guidelines Valuable guidelines and template resources, outlining the membership, key objectives and roles of a Student Support Group.
Learning Mentor Guidelines Guidelines on the role of the learning mentor and links to training
and support materials. |
Learning Mentor
Guidelines An introduction to the Partnering Agreement, the role of the Learning Mentor and an introduction to working within a trauma and attachment theory informed framework.
Access instructions: Follow the link, log in to FUSE then search ‘Learning Mentor Training’ (Clips 1 – 12). |
Great Expectations
While ‘Calmer Classrooms’ examines the general impact of trauma and attachment disruption experiences on children, this resource addresses the educational needs of children and young people who live in out-of-home care.
ENA Guidance
Guidance for requesting and conducting an educational needs assessment for a child or young person in
out-of-home care, enrolled at a Victorian government school. |
IEP Guidelines
Schools must develop an Individual Education Plan (IEP) for every student in Out-of-Home Care. This plan should be developed by the Student Support Group. These DET guidelines include IEP templates and information
regarding their requirements. |
Not out of School Designed to promote an understanding of the world of students in out-of-home care, this video and professional learning guide are available on Click on Wellbeing and include Learning Mentor training modules designed to build the capacity
of school-based staff. Access instructions: Follow the link and sign up for free to Click on Wellbeing. Log in and click on the supporting students in out of home care button.
Appointing a Learning Mentor for every student living out of home care
Learning Mentor Guidelines DET guidelines on the role of the learning mentor
and links to training and support materials |
Learning Mentor Training
This series of 12 short clips are available on FUSE and provide an introduction to the Partnering Agreement, the role of the Learning Mentor and an introduction to working within a trauma and attachment theory informed framework.
Access instructions: Follow the link, log in to FUSE then search ‘Learning Mentor Training’ (Clip 1 – 12). |
Establishing student support groups
Student Support Group
(SSG) Guidelines A valuable resource outlining the membership, key objectives and roles of an SSG.
The Team Around
the Learner (TAL) A framework for an individualised, holistic and team-based approach to support learners at risk of disengaging or who have disengaged from education and learning. Key people work together as a team, coordinate a plan to meet the needs of the learner and to support them to continue to engage in or re-engage in education and learning.
Community based support
Developing a Behaviour Support Plan
Behaviour Support Plan Guidelines DET information, guidelines and resources for developing Behaviour Support Plans.
SWPBS Functional Behaviour Analysis and Behaviour Support Plan training
SWPBS Tier III intervention videos on Functional Behaviour Analysis and Behaviour Support Plans.
of Behaviour Toolbox Table from Colvin and Sugai (1989) outlining the stages of the behaviour escalation cycle, the area of focus and intervention tips for each stage.
Challenging Behaviour Toolbox
A set of resources to provide schools with information to create and maintain safe, supportive and inclusive learning environments, a process to implement a staged approach to managing challenging student behaviour, and a compilation of already existing resources located in one place for ease of use.
PBIS World
PBIS World is a website containing links to hundreds of interventions, supports, resources, and data collection tools, all of which are organised into the tier 1 through 3 framework. It is designed to help guide users through the Positive Behaviour Intervention and Supports implementation process, starting with behaviour identification and offering suggestions for interventions and data collection tools.
Managing challenging behaviour
DET Responding to Challenging Behaviour Guidelines
Guidelines and resources for responding to challenging behaviour.
DET Restraint and Seclusion Guidelines
Guidelines and resources regarding the reduction and elimination of restraint and seclusion.
DET Staged Response Checklist for Student Behaviour Issues
Schools should use the Staged Response Checklist as a guide to help them consider, implement and document their responses to incidents of challenging behaviour.
DET Responding to Incidents Guidance
Advice and support to manage and respond to serious incidents affecting students.
DET Managing Challenging Behaviour Online Course
An online course for teachers, designed to improve the understanding of the causes and triggers of challenging behaviour and provide the skills and knowledge to maintain safe, orderly and inclusive environments for meaningful learning.
Responding to sexual behaviours of concern
DET Responding to Student Sexual Offending Policy
Information for schools about responding to allegations of student sexual assault or inappropriate sexualised behaviour in children under 10, or misuse of internet or mobile phones in relation to child pornography and youth produced sexual imagery or “sexting.”
Supporting student attendance
Attendance resources (eduGate)
DET templates, plans and guidelines for supporting attendance. DET credentials are required to log in to eduGate.
DET Attendance Resources
Provides information about factors affecting attendance and ideas to assist if a child is reluctant to go to school.
Identifying students at Risk
DET guidelines on identifying students at risk of disengagement.
Improving Attendance Guide
A guide to assist schools to gain an understanding of the issues that can manifest in non-attendance. It will assist in identifying and planning interventions, strategies and support for individuals and also offer ideas for school-wide approaches to addressing promoting attendance.
Access instructions: Sign up for free to Click on Wellbeing. Log in and click on the improving attendance button. |
Supporting student engagement
Whole School Engagement Strategies and Supports
DET information on whole school engagement strategies and supports.
DET Student Engagement
Guidance Advice on developing a Student Engagement Policy, promoting positive student behaviour and responding to challenging behaviour.
Student Engagement
Guide A guide to assist schools in building relationships for effective learning and teaching.
Access instructions: Sign up for free to Click on Wellbeing. Log in and click on the student engagement button.
School Focused Youth Service
A service to help schools and community organisations support at risk young people (aged 10-18) who require prevention or early intervention strategies to assist their learning, development, health and wellbeing.
Supporting Young People to Stay Engaged with Education
This guide has been developed to support schools, local government and community service organisations to work together to respond to the needs of at-risk young people.
Marrung Aboriginal
Education Plan 2016-2026 This plan demonstrates the Victorian Government’s strong commitment to improving performance and success of Koorie learners and closing the gap in Koorie education outcomes where these exist. Marrung will leverage the Education State reform agenda across early childhood, schools and vocational education and training. It will build culturally responsive and inclusive services and provide for targeted Koorie initiatives, including initiatives to support learners with additional needs to meet educational benchmarks.
Koorie Heritage Trust Building Aboriginal Cultural Competency program
The Koorie Heritage Trust provide Aboriginal Cultural Competency/Indigenous Cultural Awareness Training programs and can tailor a program that suits requirements. The Building Aboriginal Cultural Competency program also includes a Strategic Partnerships Program designed specifically for School Leadership to develop their cultural competency in order to implement the Victorian Aboriginal Affairs Framework 2013-2018 and the DET Garrin Garrin Policy into schools.
Koorie Education Coordinator KECs can assist Koorie students and schools with guidance and assistance on a range of programs and initiatives. You can contact your regional KEC through your DET Regional Office for further information and advice. The KEC is able to arrange for a Regional Koorie Engagement Support Officer (KESO) to be assigned to any school where contact with Koorie families may be required.
Victorian Aboriginal Education Association Inc Resources for Schools and Families
VAEAI resource list for schools and families including the Koorie Education calendar.
Classroom Resources Database A resource that can be used by educators in Early Childhood, schools, and higher education to integrate Indigenous perspectives in the classroom.
Literacy Resources A list of websites and publications from the Catholic Education Commission of Victoria supporting inclusive literacy curriculum.
AITSL Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
Education Resources Valuable Initial Teacher Education resources for improving Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander education, both in policy and practice.
Kids Matter
Aboriginal Animations A series of animations designed to support the social and emotional wellbeing of Aboriginal children and provide viewers with an understanding of what social and emotional wellbeing means to Aboriginal people.
Supporting student wellbeing, positive behaviour and mental health
Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships Learning Materials
Learning materials designed for teachers in primary and secondary schools to develop students’ social, emotional and positive relationship skills. The materials cover eight topics of Social and Emotional Learning across all levels of primary and secondary education: Emotional Literacy; Personal Strengths; Positive Coping; Problem Solving; Stress Management; Help Seeking; Gender and Identity; and Positive Gender Relationships.
School-Wide Positive Behaviour Support (SWPBS)
An evidence-based framework for preventing and responding to student behaviour. It aims to create a positive school climate, a culture of student competence and an open, responsive management system for all school community members.
Minds A comprehensive government backed learning and resource package that will enhance the capacity of school communities to effectively identify children and young people with early signs of mental health issues, offer school-based interventions and refer appropriately when needed.
Road Map Infographic detailing key facets of the SWPBS framework.
Matter A mental health and wellbeing framework for primary schools and early childhood education and care services.
Whole School Engagement Strategies and Supports
Whole school engagement strategies and support materials.
Kids Helpline @ School
An early intervention and prevention model for all primary school aged students around Australia. The program allows primary schools to invite Kids Helpline counsellors into their classroom via video link or phone. Sessions are facilitated by a tertiary qualified Kids Helpline counsellor, and aim to improve mental health literacy, promote resilience and encourage help seeking behaviours.
DET Promoting and Supporting Mental Health Online Course
A program to help school staff recognise and better understand their role in promoting mental health and to build their capacity and skills to create environments where children and young people can thrive, learn and grow.
DET Support and Resources for Specific Groups of Students
The following information outlines resources, strategies and supports for specific groups of students who have additional needs, or who may face barriers to engaging with school.
Andrew Fuller's Website
Clinical psychologist Andrew Fuller works with many schools and communities in Australia and internationally. His website includes resources on resilience, psychology and brains and learning for students, schools, parents and professionals.
Speech Pathology Australia
Information about finding, choosing, and accessing speech pathology services, and fact sheets on topics such as Communication Impairment, Speech Pathology, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Literacy, and Speech Pathology and Indigenous Children.
Content by Speech Pathologist Alison Clarke for teaching the foundations of literacy. It provides accessible and evidence-based information about teaching literacy and children who have difficulty learning to read and write. It encourages the use of systematic synthetic phonics for teaching literacy skills in the first three years of school.
Oral Language Supporting
Early Literacy Extensive resources for teachers and parents to improve the oral language and literacy skills of students in the early years of schooling. Includes teaching outlines, and resources to understand the issues surrounding oral language and literacy.
Program for students
with Disabilities DET guidelines and links on the Program for Students with Disabilities which provides additional support within the Student Resource Package for eligible students with disabilities in regular and special schools.
ABLES Online Professional Learning Program
A free online course suitable for teachers and educational support staff. The course comprises five one-hour modules, each focusing on a specific element of the ABLES suite of resources.
Inclusive Classroom
School Resource A resource to help teachers and schools to work together with families to create inclusive educational experiences for children with a disability.
DET ASD Information for Educational Professionals
A range of factsheets for educational professionals covering the characteristics and common behaviours of children and young people on the autism spectrum and related strategies and interventions that can be used as starting points for educational professionals.
Support Materials These resources provide a starting point as part of a broader approach that early childhood and school settings will take to meet the needs of children and young people on the autism spectrum.
Connect Autism Connect is a service open to all schools in North Western Victoria Region. The program aims to build whole school capacity to improve the outcomes for students with an ASD.
Autism Spectrum Disorder
Guide This guide will assist schools to develop their understanding of autism spectrum disorder and to cater for the diverse needs of their students on the spectrum.
Access instructions: Sign up for free to Click on Wellbeing. Log in and click on the autism spectrum disorder button. |
Online Training for
Special Education Needs Online training courses which support teachers and educational personnel in Victorian government schools in responding to the diverse additional needs of students.
DET Restraint Seclusion Guidelines
New and revised resources, including 15 Principles for the Reduction and Elimination of Restraint are now available to all Victorian government schools to help school staff manage student behaviour posing a risk to their staff or student's safety.
ENA Guidance
Guidance for school leaders, teachers, Student Support Services, case managers and Student Support Groups about requesting and conducting an educational needs assessment for a child or young person in out-of-home care enrolled at a Victorian government school.
ENA Checklist
A checklist to guide planning for obtaining an education needs assessment.
Support for
refugee students DET guidelines, resources and links for supporting students from refugee backgrounds.
Foundation House
Schools Support Program A specialist consulting service for schools in metropolitan Melbourne and regional Victoria. Services include: participation in the Refugee Education Support Program (RESP), specialist resources for schools, partnerships with schools and professional learning.
Centre for
Multicultural Youth A Victorian not-for-profit organisation supporting young people from migrant and refugee backgrounds to build better lives in Australia. Through a combination of specialist support services, training and consultancy, knowledge sharing and advocacy, they work to remove the barriers young people face as they make Australia their home.
Guidelines and Resources DET guidelines, resources and links to support students, schools, teachers, program planning, assessment and reporting in the area of EAL in Victorian government schools.
Handbook A DET handbook outlining advice to schools planning and implementing programs to support students learning English as an Additional Language.
Teaching Strategies A range of practical ways of supporting the English language development of EAL students. Each of the listed strategies identifies the mode/s on which it is focused (Speaking and Listening, Reading and Viewing, Writing), the EAL stages for which it is most useful, its purpose, the steps involved in using it, and why it is particularly helpful for EAL students.
DET Multicultural Education
Aides Handbook DET Guidance and Multicultural Educational Aides Handbook provides guidelines on the employment and roles of multicultural education aides in Victorian Government Schools
Accessing Interpreting and Translating services
DET guidelines, information and access to accredited interpreters to support communication with students and families from language backgrounds other than English.
DET Safe Schools Program
In 2010, the Victorian Government established Safe Schools to ensure schools are safe places for all students, including lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) students, and are free of discrimination.
Safe Schools Coalition
Safe Schools Coalition Australia offers a suite of free resources and support to equip staff and students with skills, practical ideas and greater confidence to lead positive change and be safe and inclusive for same sex attracted, intersex and gender diverse students, staff and families.
Respecting Diversity
A range of resources are provided to assist teachers with the inclusion of sexual diversity in the school’s sexuality education program.
DET Gender Identity
Policy and Guidelines Policy, guidelines and resources to guide schools in supporting students’ gender identity.
Not Alone This booklet produced by the WA AIDS Council’s Freedom Centre provides information for LGBTIQ and questioning young people.
Like Mine A guide for parents and families of young people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, gender diverse or who are questioning their sexuality or gender identity.
Trans Gender Victoria
Education and resources to support the trans and gender diverse community.
Minus 18 is Australia’s national organisation for LGBTIQ youth. Their website provides access to resources, advice and events.
OMG I'm Trans
OMG I’m Trans is a Minus18 publication containing stories, advice, support and resources for transgender young people. This page also provides access to order other publications from Minus 18 such as OMG I’m Queer and OMG My Friend is Queer.
Transcend is an information hub for parents and families of transgender children.
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